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Gluteal rehabilitation Lakeside Chiropractic

Pain with rotation of hip or weakness when rotating your hip outward

Strengthening to gluteal muscles

Low level glut maximus exercises

1. Plank
2. Side lying hip abduction
3. Clam

Medium level glut max exercises

1. Lunges; progress to add extension
2. Clam with theraband
3. Bridges
    a. Progression: bridging on swiss ball

High level glut max exercises

1. Sideways and transverse lunge
2. Bird dog; contralateral arm and leg

3. Single leg squat

4. Front step-up

Low level glut med exercises

1. Plank

Medium level glut med exercises

1. Neutral lunge; progress to sideways/transverse once good form

2. Unilateral mini squat/pelvic drop

High level glut med exercises

1. Bird dog; with contralateral arm and leg

2. Unilateral Bridge
a. Progression: bridging on swiss ball

Here at Lakeside Chiropractic with have a multimodal approach to various conditions throughout the body, we are located at 3/45 Central Walk, Joondalup, central to Perth northern and neighbouring suburbs such as: Craigie, Mullaloo, Tapping, Ashby, Sinagra, Mindarie, Ocean reef and Hillary’s. With HiCAPs facilities available on site for most major Health Providers (NIB, HIC, HIF, AHM, and HBF), we are a medibank preferred practitioner and a part of the Bupa Members first network. If you would like further information feel free to give us a call 9300 0095 or visit

May 30, 2019