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Perfect Your Posture: Sitting Whilst Driving

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Long drives or daily commutes can take a toll on your spine if you’re not sitting correctly. Good posture while driving not only helps prevent back pain but also keeps you more alert and comfortable. Here’s how to achieve the ideal driving posture:

  1. Adjust your seat so your back is fully supported, your knees are slightly lower than your hips, and your head can comfortably rest on the headrest without leaning forward.
  2. Keep your shoulders relaxed but aligned with the steering wheel to avoid straining.
  3. Position the headrest at the correct height to support your head and neck.
  4. Hold the steering wheel at a comfortable position – ideally at the 9 and 3 o’clock positions – to prevent tension in your shoulders.
  5. Use a small cushion for your lower back if you have chronic back pain or disc issues. This extra support can help reduce discomfort on long drives.

Maintain these tips to ensure a comfortable and healthy drive! Your back will thank you!