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Six Types of Headaches and Chiro Treatment

Six Types of Headaches and Chiro Treatment

Headaches are a common medical complaint that most of us have experienced one point or another. They are usually described while individuals experience extreme discomfort during an episode. While many people may think that every severe headaches is a “migraine”, this label is usually reserved for headaches that meet specific criteria. There are different types of common headaches and although some of the symptoms associated with each type may overlap, recognizing the distinct features of headaches can help determine the best treatment strategy.

chiropractic care

1. Tension headaches
Tension headaches affect most of us at some point in our lives and can be brought on by a number of different reasons. They are often result following emotional distress, stress or general tension in the neck and shoulders. The pain is usually in the back and sides of the neck as well as the base of the neck, where the muscles of the neck and shoulders start to spasm. These headaches usually do not persist for long. Some characteristics of tension headache include:

  • No associated pulsing to the pain of a tension headache
  • No increase in the pain with exercise
  • Often described as “vice-like” in quality
  • The pain is mild to moderate, but can become severe

2. Migraines
Migraines are less common than tension headaches but are much more severe in both symptoms and duration which can last up to multiple days at a time with little to no relief. There are a number of triggers that can lead to an episode such as stress and often there may be visual disturbances along with intense pain on one side of the head. Management of migraine is often addressed with the removal of triggers and escaping to a dark and quiet room. Some characteristics of migraines include:

  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Sensitivity to light and sound
  • Pain that awakens from sleep

3. Sinus headaches
Sinus headaches occur when pressure in the sinuses of the head build up with severe congestion, this occur seasonally as allergies are in full swing or during/after covid infection. They often present with pain in the front of the head as well as earaches. Management for sinus headaches include utilizing allergy medication to reduce sinus symptoms. Some characteristics of sinus headaches include:

  • Discoloured nasal mucus
  • Nasal congestion
  • Plugged ears
  • Swelling of face
  • Fever may accompany sinus headache

4. Exertional headaches
Intense physical activity such as running, jumping, heavy weight lifting n may cause exertional headaches. Often, these types of headaches result from a build-up in pressure that occurs while performing activity, causing a strain on the body as a whole but especially the head. They usually subside quickly. Some characteristics of exertional headaches include:

  • Neck pain
  • Pulsating or throbbing pain on one or both sides of the head
  • Sometimes nausea or vomiting

5. Cluster headaches
Cluster headaches is a distinct type of head pain. The pain is always one-sided during the cluster attack and the side can vary from headache to headache. Cluster headaches are named such because they tend to recur over a period of several weeks. They usually present with pain limited to one side of the head typically around on eye. In most cases, medication is prescribed to manage the condition and make symptoms more bearable. Some characteristics of cluster headaches include:

  • Watering of the eye on the side of the headache
  • Nasal congestion on the side of the headache
  • Droopy eyelid on the affected side

6. Cervicogenic headaches
Cervicogenic headaches is a chronic headache that arises from a specific source in the neck and perceived in one or more regions of the head. It is a common cause of chronic headache that is often misdiagnosed. Approximately 47% of the global population suffers from a headache, and 15-20 percent of those headaches are cervicogenic. The presenting features can be complex and similar to many primary headache that are encountered daily. The main symptoms are a combination of shoulder and neck pain and the range of motion in the neck is reduced. Some characteristics of cervicogenic headaches include:

  • Pain originating at the neck and radiating along the temple and forehead
  • Reduced flexibility of the neck
  • Pain almost always affects the same side of the neck and head

chiropractic care

Physical therapies such as remedial massage therapy and spinal manipulation through chiropractic care may be effective against cervicogenic headache as they help relax the muscles around the neck and improve its range of motion, which provides extended pain relief and reduces the frequency and duration of the headache. In addition, your chiropractor will provide you with a personalised exercise and stretching programme. Traction has been found to be extremely effective in the management of cervicogenic headaches and can also be applied by one of our chiropractors. Often, the combination of physical therapy and an ongoing exercise regimen produces the best outcome.

If you have noticed any headaches that you think may be associated with tension, our chiropractors at Lakeside Chiropractic in Joondalup may be able to assist you. Lakeside Chiropractic is central to Perth’s northern suburbs in Joondalup including Kingsley, Woodvale, Heathridge, Yanchep, Clarkson, Jindalee, Leederville, Mullaloo, Sorrento, Padbury, Currambine and Hillary’s and is located in the centre of Joondalup on 3/45 Central Walk.

We have a HICAPS terminal on site which means you can claim direct from your health fund on the day of your treatment. We are a Medibank and BUPA preferred provider but we are also able to process claims from HBF, HIF, CU Health,, ahm, Defence and Australian Unity Health. If your fund is not listed, please feel free to ask one of our friendly staff members. Here at Lakeside Chiropractic our staff are fully trained and regularly see visitors who they are able to successfully treat and improve posture and jaw pain. Please call us on 9300 0095 or on the website via the Book Online Now tab.

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August 22, 2022